Grand Republic of the Army Monument Historical Sites and other Cool Places
This Civil War monument was dedicated on September 2, 1890 to
				  to honor the Civil War Union Veterans from Portage County. The granite memorial features a sculpture of a Union Soldier holding a flag and grasping his sword at the top of a
				  tall obelisk. A pile of cannon balls at the base compliments the 30 pounder Parrott Rifle. Enscribed on the monument is the following statement: Portage County, to her heroes
				  who fought and her martyrs who fell that The Republic might live.
Civil War Memorial Map
Click to Enlarge Image
Click to Enlarge Image
Click to Enlarge Image
1 Riverfront Walk
2 Mathias Mitchell Public Square
3 Grand Opera House
4 The Castle
5 Hardware Mutual Insurance Building
5 Civil War Memorial
7 Firehouse #2
8 Belt's Ice Cream
9 Soo Line Engine
10 Stevens Point Brewery
Civil War Memorial Map Clip
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Wisconsin Info
Civil War Memorial
Civil War Memorial
Civil War Memorial
Civil War Memorial
Civil War Memorial Map
Wisconsin State Seal
The Badger State
30th State (May 29, 1848)
State Capitol Madison
State Population 5,893,718 (20th)
State Area 65,498.37 mi2 (23rd)
State Tree Sugar Maple (Acer Saccharum)
State Flower Wood Violet (Viola Sororia)
State Grain Maize (Zea Mays)
State Fruit Cranberry (Vaccinium Macrocarpon)
State Bird American Robin (Turdus Migratorius)
State Mammal American Badger (Taxidea Taxus)
State Insect Western Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera)
State Fish Muskellunge (Esox Masquinongy)
State Website